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Vertex believes in expanding new opportunties and choices for students. Educators that are given the resources they require are able to build a  better future for their students.


Join Vertex and see that 100% of your donations goes into the hands of those teachers or groups that can truly make a difference in the life of their students

Vertex focuses the majority of its resources and investments on school organizations serving high growth areas or areas with low-income student populations and communities.


Due to these low-income student populations and communities, some of the schools struggle with a donor base.  Vertex, as being a charitable organization, can provide tax incentives to donors as in-kind and cash donations are made on behalf of these schools.  The good news is that 100% of your donation through this page will go directly to the school or group of your choice.



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Vertex     PO 456  Price, UT 84501

© 2015 Vertex NP

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